Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I did it.
I got the homeschool room in order!
It'll be awesome...till we start school again. 😩

I discovered something interesting about creating a clean room. An organized and straightened up room attracts people. As soon as I was putting the finishing touches of organization in the homeschool room, my two kiddos and their friend were in there checking everything out, making themselves comfortable, playing with a few items left on top of a bookshelf. A little later, I got to work filling out my super large calendar while l was sprawled out on the clean floor. My husband joined me and we chatted in the little room about this and that. And I am still sprawled out on the floor as I wrote this.

A clean space brings sanity back to my life. 

There are many areas of my world that seem to run chaotically. (I'm not sure that sentence is grammatically correct but I am sure that I don't care because it makes sense to me just as it is written!) I try to employ myself according to my gifts and desires and the "have to's" of everyday which makes for a busy and full life. I also tend to be a bit of a procrastinator, which is a weakness that I am constantly trying to overcome. 
And the combination of trying to be a wife, mom, teacher, friend, and all the other things I've got going on in life lend to a crazy life, sometimes...or rather oftentimes.

So I sit in a comfortably clean and organized room because everything is figured out and all is where it should be. It gives me peace. It makes me calm. It restores my exhausted soul. Can you see where I'm going here?

Resting in the arms of the One who has everything figured out, who knows what goes where and when it should go there and how it should all be put together, gives me peace. I might not have everything figured out in my life. I definitely don't know what my future holds, even though I try to plan it to the minute. Sometimes I cannot make straight the emotions and thoughts that want to rule my day. But God is the calm, the peace, the restorer of this weary soul that I need. All I have to do is turn it all over to Him and rest in the knowledge that He has it all under control. 

I'm so very grateful that He can take the messy room that is my mind and get it all back in order so that I can face another crazy day tomorrow.


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