Tuesday, July 25, 2017

show up

Tonight's post will be short, partly because it's 12:30 and what in the world am I thinking?! And also partly because I'm exhausted: physically, emotionally, and mentally. It has been a LONG. DAY.

Details will come later, but at this point, let me just say thing: I had my day somewhat planned out. I had good intentions to make progress in all the things that occupy my brain on a regular basis. But God decided that I would have different plans with a bigger priority. So, I went with God because... well... He's God.

But you know that whole Biblical thing of Him not giving you more that you can handle? I'll tell you what: I couldn't handle today. Physically, mentally, or emotionally.  BUT!!! God knew that and sent me friends and texts of encouragement and people who talked me through today and family who showed up when I needed them to.

People showed up for me today.

So if I can share one piece of advice from today (and from various experiences in my life), I'm gonna tell you to show up.

Show up.
Do the tough thing.
Sacrifice for a friend.
Or do the easy thing.
Send a text.
Or an emoji.
Bring a meal.
Babysit a kiddo.
Do yard work.
Visit an older person.
Give someone a gift.
I don't know what friend needs to  you to show up today, but it the opportunity presents itself, SHOW UP!! Because if you were in their shoes, you'd want them to show up too.

And I know this because today I was in those shoes and in the midst of chaos, my friend showed up. And then continued to show up.
God knew exactly what I needed and provided.

I'm pooped.
But just in case I didn't get my point across:
Show up!!


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