Sunday, October 27, 2013

sweet sunday

Phew!  Praise the Lord for Sundays!  (Not ice cream sundaes, but praise the Lord for those too because those are awesome, especially covered in caramel sauce.  Mmmm, might have to go look in the freezer for ice cream now...) 

I used to think that Sunday was a very boring day. A day when you went to church and then did nothing until you went to church again in the evening.  It was boring.  Read a book? Nah.  Nothing on TV because we didn't have cable or Netflix or iPads or iPhones or Kindles or a computer.  Nope, just local channels. 

I came from a pretty conservative family, a fact that I am grateful for now.  But back then this meant that we didn't go out on Sunday.  We didn't  go to the movies or bowling or out to eat or to the grocery store.  We didn't go over to our friends' homes because it was family day. We didn't mow the lawn or do the laundry or do any chores that weren't necessary.  Mom and Dad took a nap and my brothers were older than me and didn't want to hang out to play with me.

As I grew up I gained more responsibilities.  I got married and had kids so there were many more "have to's" in my schedule.  It was hard not to let them bleed into Sunday.  You see, I felt that Sunday was a day when it was against the law to do anything.  Everything was forbidden.  If I did anything "work-oriented" I felt guilty.  But then I was taught an important lesson.

Sundays are God's gift to us.  It is the day that He says to relax and not feel guilty about it.  Look at the daily grind and set it aside because today is a gift, a chance to focus on Him while we recharge our batteries for the rest of the week. If there is laundry, it will wait another day.  This messy house will asked to be cleaned again tomorrow.  I'll get my groceries in the morning.  Today I don't feel bad for putting off today what can be done tomorrow.

Because today is a gift.

Now to find the vanilla ice cream...


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