Monday, June 22, 2015

the little hearts

Today my daughter told me that she doesn't ever want me to die. And that she doesn't want her Dad to die either because that would be very rough. I told her that we didn't have any plans to do so. But it is evident that the events of this last week are starting to make sense to her. I told her that we would have a little more in depth conversation about the passing of my cousin a little later on this week.

Oh how I wish I could protect that heart a little longer from the the sadness and pain that this world so often brings us. I wish I could keep her eyes focused on the happy things in life, the things that bring joy, and keep her from being exposed to the things that will hurt her. But that is not real life. And if I don't teach her how to deal with the tragedies and heartbreak in this world, then she will never be prepared for life when she steps out by herself.

So I will gently explain the death of a loved one, the sadness it has brought so many, and how we can find the truest form of comfort from our Heavenly Father and from those whom He has sent to surround us. And when we are at our worst, He is always there right beside us, even in our deepest devastation. Because He loves us. 

Tonight my daughter also told me that she never wants to grow up. And you know what? I totally get that. There are some days when I don't feel like growing up either.


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