This morning we sat behind an elderly couple, probably in their late 80's. (We stand for much of the first part of the service because we start out by worshiping together. The music we sing is "loud worship" or at least that's what I call it. There's probably a minimum of 8 people on stage at one time leading or ship. They provide ear plugs as you walk in! So yes, loud.) As we were singing, I kept getting distracted by the elderly gentleman because he was groovin'! He was beebopping back and forth and completely enjoying his time of worship. At one point my husband caught my eye and with a big grin he nodded to the gentleman who was just so stinkin adorable in his worship!!
And it got me thinking: church should be a joy! (I know; seems like common sense but let me tell you, people, this has been a STRUG-GLE for me.)
I don't know about you, but when I think of God designing a worship service at His church, I think the entire event would be a joyous one!! Hearts would be overflowing with gratitude and people would be happy to be there, right?
One of the things I find so impressive about our church is how our pastor can reach so many people at different levels of faith simply by speaking truth. He is not judgmental, but he also doesn't shy away from Biblical truths. He talks about hard issues but it's not saturated with condemnation. It is a joy to be in church, listening to our pastor challenge us and hearing truth that we need to hear! I don't walk out of there feeling like a horrible person, but I am more aware each time I leave church of things I need to work on or change.
It's easy to criticize a church that is "entertaining" or whose worship set has lights and a smoke machine. I used to call our church a "seeker friendly" church whose goal was to reach those who don't go to church regularly. They played up to those outside the church, trying to attract them. I didn't think that was necessarily a bad thing, but it just wasn't necessary for us "Hardcore Christians!" 😜
But the longer I'm there, the more I realize that it is just as much for me as it is for someone who has never been to church. My family, all 4 of us, walk into church with expectant hearts, happy to be there, ready to participate, to listen and learn, to enjoy our time with God! It has taken a long time for us to get there.
Anybody else wanna come with me to church? We'll save you seats!
We'll be the family sitting behind the grooving old guy!
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