Wednesday, December 26, 2018

dear 40

Dear 40,

I’ve decided we can’t be friends anymore. You have caused too much drama, tears, aches, and pains already and we have only known each other for about 5 months. This doesn’t speak well for our relationship.

I left 39 with great optimism, hoping that you would be “just a number,” as so many have told me you were. I thought 40 was the new 30, but apparently someone lied because 30 treated me a lot kinder and with much more appreciation than you have so far.

I know I haven’t been perfect on my end, but I have put forth more effort these last five months than I have in the past few years. I’ve exercised more and have changed my eating habits quite drastically for a while! And what did you do with that?! Nothing. Couldn’t even give me one little ab muscle. I even tried going to bed earlier for a good night’s sleep and you know what that got me? Wide awake at 3:00 a.m! I am not a fan of being wide awake at 3:00 a.m. Because usually that leads to me still being awake at 4:30 a.m. and after that I’m just plain crabby for the rest of the day.

I’ve had a tooth pulled (and that sucker was gross). I’ve had allergies and sinus issues for the first time ever since I was born here. And I’ve managed to have those allergies move to my eyes and cause utter eye chaos. My vision is still great!! But hey, I’ve still got seven months left to hang out with you, so who knows what you’ll do to my vision in that much time. 🙄

My skin no longer has any moisture left in it, especially my face. And the bags under my eyes somehow managed to be magnified tenfold, and that is with me putting more effort into taking care of my skin than I have in my entire life!

So for those reasons, and numerous additional reasons, 40, you and I can’t be friends. I will tolerate this relationship for the next seven months, but you’d better believe that I am already making plans with 41 so that 41 can be my BFF year ever.

Regretfully yours,
(but only for 7 more months),

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