My life has been changed!
For the good!
And hopefully forever!
Okay, that’s a bit too dramatic for what I’m sharing with you, but I am quite excited with the results of these three lists that I write everyday! So here’s the background (because I’m not awesome enough to have come up with this on my own): My good friend, Melissa, encouraged me to listen to a podcast from Rachel Hollis. She breaks down her “Start Today Journal”-ing Process in this podcast. My good friend, Carrie, took me to a goal setting workshop recently where Danny Lehr walked us through the goal setting process and then, because she’s awesome, Carrie agreed to be my accountability partner. And then I listened to another podcast interview of James Clear regarding his book entitled Atomic Habits. The combination of these things (and the necessity of needing a plan to survive this busy life so I don’t feel overwhelmed every. single. day.) led me to this morning habit of the 3 Lists.
The first list: My List of Gratitude.
More than one successful person has mentioned the value of starting the day in meditation. A few minutes of quiet to bring the mind into focus. Hollis mentioned that she focuses on what she’s grateful for. I use it as my morning prayer: to thank God for what He has done and to set my mind on the good. I try to write a minimum of ten things I am grateful for, from “a good night’s sleep,” to “progress,” to “cheeseburgers.” I don’t write long elaborate prayer sentences. I write simple words and phrases to connect myself to my Father first thing in the morning. And in one simple writing exercise I have spent time with God and set my mind in the right direction.
The second list: My List of Goals
This was a recommendation from all three of those successful folks: write your goals daily and write them as if they have already happened. For example: someday I’d like to play a role in people’s lives as a mentor so everyday I write: “I am a mentor.” I also would like to publish a book someday so I write: “I am a writer.” I jot down at least ten goals for myself. Usually I am writing the same goals that I wrote the day before, primarily so I am constantly reminded of what I am working on. Putting them down on paper makes me focus on who I am becoming instead of just who I hope to be someday.
The third list: My To Do List
This is the game changer for me. After I have focused my mind, I focus on my day. Here’s the deal for my brain: if I just keep everything that I need to do all up inside my head, I get stressed because every time I try to accomplish something, I think of something else I need to do and then I get distracted and can’t get the first thing done well. Things are just bouncing around like a bunch of super balls in my head and that makes me feel crazy and unsettled. So I write it down. I refer to my calendar to help me and then just start writing it all down. And then I get started.
There’s something rewarding about marking something off of a list. It does something for my mental state. I feel accomplished. I feel like a boss! Even if it is only because I emptied the dishwasher. I am the boss of that dishwasher! And you know what? Sometimes I’ll do something that’s not on my list, then go back to my list and add it, just so I can mark it off of my list! It makes me feel validated, like someone’s going to walk past that list and say, “ Wow! Look at all the things Kathy accomplished today!” When in all actuality, I am the only one who looks at my list and I’m the only one who looks at all I accomplished and thinks it’s awesome. But that’s enough for me!
And the nice thing about the To Do List is that it is a constant list. I can add things throughout the day that need to get done. That way, every time something comes up in my brain and it needs to get done, I stop it from bouncing around in my head, give the responsibility of remembering it to the list in my bullet journal, and then get on with it.
I cannot tell you just how grateful I am for the people who played a part in helping me get started on My 3 Lists. I began this habit in early January and then we had a sudden shift in our household that made things a bit hectic. I paused my habit for a few days and realized that I was back to crazy super ball brain. So I started it back up again and now each day feels manageable. That, to me, makes a day successful.
Now let’s see if I can keep it up in February too!
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