Monday, February 4, 2019

dear child

Dear child of mine,

My heart breaks when I listen to you complain about what you don’t have or what I don’t allow you to get. This person has one and so does everyone else you know. So why can’t you?!
Because I am making a wise and healthy choice for you.
And jealousy doesn’t look good on you.

And you complain about the unfairness of life frequently.
Yes, it is unfair but the sooner you realize and accept this world of “not fair,” the easier it will be to deal with it.

I know you have hopes and dreams and you want them right now. I get it.
But do you realize that you are learning large amounts of patience in your waiting and that patience will prove to be invaluable in your lifetime? And perhaps waiting makes the “getting” so much better! And maybe, just maybe, I’m waiting until the perfect time to give it to you...

You are frustrated with the people around you, your friends who bring the drama or bring you down.
But what an excellent lesson in understanding and sympathy you are getting! Perhaps you are even learning how to create healthy boundaries. Boundaries are a good thing to learn at a young age.

Your irritation when I ask you to do things, as if it is an inconvenience for you to help me, is disappointing. I’ve done so much for you. Getting you to do a little something for me (without complaining AND with a cheerful attitude) is practically impossible. Child, when will you learn that the greatest rewards come from doing unto others?

And then there are the hard things that I push you to do that you fight me on. Do you know why I ask you to do them? It’s because it makes you stronger! It creates a more amazing you! I have high hopes for what you can do with your future, but if I don’t push you now, you might never step out of your comfort zone, there on the couch, watching Netflix.

Dear child,
I know it might take years for you to get just a glimpse of how much I love you, but know this: my love will always be there, running deep, just for you.

*When I wrote this, it started out as a letter to a whiny child of mine, but as I kept writing I realized that this could very well be a letter from God to me. Or maybe to you? Have you been whiny like me?!

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