But it wasn't the onions. It was my daughter. She was in the next room over (which in my house is really just sorta a continuation of the room I was in - it's all very open) and she was doing Yoga, following a YouTube instructional video. I don't know what brought this on. I'd like to say that it was because of my amazing Yoga-ing example, but it's not. I don't do Yoga. But I looked at her and was a little overwhelmed with pride mixed with hope!
Let me explain where this all stems from. As a homeschooling mom (and I'm sure moms who don't homeschool their kids struggle with this too. I'm just going to relate it from my homeschool perspective because that's where I live!) I am constantly wondering if I'm doing a good job with my kids. I live in a constant state of shortcomings. Just ask my Education Specialist. Every time she meets with me, she has to spend half of her time encouraging and boosting my downtrodden heart and soul! Poor Amy!!
So not only am I worried about their academics, but their social growth as well (because that is the BIGGEST stigma I still fight and I work hard to make sure my kids do not fall into that stigma. Socialization: I stick my tongue out to all of you who think homeschoolers are not socialized. Spend 5 minutes with my kids and you'll find they are socialized just fine! They will interact with almost anyone at any age!!) I also worry about how responsible they are becoming and if I have them in enough activities or too many activities or in the right activities. And if I'm teaching them how to deal with life and their future in the right way and if they are building a relationship with God and, and, and...
I pretty much just live in a state of constant worriment (if it's not a word, it should be!)😳
So today, as I watched my child choose to learn Yoga all on her own, and helped her learn how to use a sewing machine to create her vey first quilt (which, if any of you have attempted it, you know this takes incredible patience and attention to detail, both of which do not come naturally to my girl), and yesterday she cleaned up her atrociously gross bathroom counter and sinks WITHOUT BEING ASKED, I was overwhelmed. Because on top of that (and this might seem insignificant to you, but I think it's pretty awesome), my 8-year old made the perfect sunny-side up egg this morning and ate it, runny yolk and all! And he is already an incredible scrambled egg and omelet maker. And he eats green vegetables, including lima beans, avocados (which my kids will argue is a fruit), cucumbers, and his favorite: broccoli (You know how at Denny's you can get the Kids Grand Slam Breakfast and order any two sides? He gets broccoli...for breakfast...and eats it first! 😂) And he does his own laundry, from start to finish. Both kids do.
People, I'm scratching the surface, but my point is this: my kids ARE turning into responsible people!! I AM preparing them for real life!! (My son may only eat eggs, but they're healthy so that's fine.) I am so proud of them. The constant hard work is paying off and there is hope that someday my children will be able to live on their own, be responsible, and be godly, contributing members of society!
Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!
That overwhelming feeling of pride and hope also gave me relief. I am not failing. I cannot tell you how much I need to hear that and see it. I am not failing.
Final thoughts on this seemingly silly post on Yoga/quilting/cleaning/eggs/laundry post:
Don't lose hope.
Don't give up.
The fruit is coming.
Keep striving, Mom and Dad.
The fruit is coming!