Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stupid Nacho Cheese Doritos

So it turns out that I have a huge weakness for Nacho Cheese Doritos. I think maybe I didn't realize this sooner because we rarely buy chips and when we do, it's never Doritos. But then I got sick and was without an appetite for a couple weeks so I purchased a couple things that sounded good and appetizing to eat: (*ahem* Nacho Cheese Doritos, BBQ Pringles, Sour Patch Kid Watermelon Slices, Gardettos - if you don't know what Gardettos are, you need to trust me with your whole heart and try them: all kinds of deliciousness!) and that was a stupid thing to do!

Because now that I'm pretty much mended (well...almost...mostly...) all I want to snack on are those blasted Nacho Cheese Doritos!! I AM MY OWN WORST ENEMY!!! 

And here I sit, fighting my way through Dorito-loving-guilt and grace. Isn't this just the exact story of our lives?! Well, maybe not for all y'all, but I, myself, am constantly in a tug-of-war between feeling guilty for not being good enough and trying to hang on to that grace that says I don't have to be perfect! 

For example:
Eating Doritos
Being the best sister ever
(My brothers don't read my blog so I'm totally getting away with that one.)

It doesn't matter what I'm striving to be good at, I'm always finding myself somewhere in a balance of feeling horrible for being so bad at it and living in hope because of grace. 

And that is why I chose the name of this here blog: Surviving by the Grace of God. Because if it wasn't for that grace, I wouldn't be surviving. I'd be covered in or cheese powder from eating Nacho Cheese Doritos every day.


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