Thursday, July 20, 2017

changing the world

I find that I tend to repeat certain themes on my blog. It's not so much that I think y'all need to hear it, but more so that I need constant reminding on things. You'd think that I'd figure something out and it would stick, right? But no, I'm like a child: in need of constant training over and over and over again.

Today's reminder: Encourage.

In each of my kids' rooms there lives a notebook. Neither one is very fancy and they were both inexpensive. But what's inside is invaluable.

Every so often, right before I go to bed, I write a message to each kiddo, something that will encourage them when they wake up and read it the next day. Sometimes I also apologize for something I did earlier in the day (because I can do some pretty stupid stuff and say some real idiotic things as a mom) or I remind them of a behavior they are trying to change. But it's always something to build them up and encourage them for the next day. When I'm done, I leave it open on their bedroom floor where they will trip over it in the morning. It ensures they will read it. (Sometimes there's too much other junk and stuff to trip over on their floor so I will leave it right outside their bedroom door!)

My kids ask for me to write in their notebooks frequently. And I totally understand why. If I woke up each morning to an encouraging message awaiting me, I'd probably have an easier time getting out of bed! And then I would feel just awesome about myself and then I would do amazing things throughout the day and make the world a better place, I'm sure of it!

But like I mentioned before, sometimes as a mom I do stupid stuff like: not write words of encouragement in their notebooks on a regular basis. Soooo, I'm going to go do that now.

Do you have 30 seconds to send/write/say something encouraging to someone? You never know: your words could help someone change the world!


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