Monday, July 1, 2013

for the memories

Today I did something terribly time consuming.  Something that you probably won't find me doing again any time soon.  I made cupcakes.  Not just plain out of the box cupcakes (although they were technically out of the box).  I made My Little Pony and Angry Bird rainbow cupcakes.  Yes. I did.

My daughter has been watching this baking gal on YouTube.  I noticed that she was interested in the videos, making comments and exclaiming how cool the cupcakes were that the gal was creating.  I thought, "How fun would it be if we made cupcakes together today?!"  So I told her my idea and told her to pick out whatever kind she liked:  Rainbow.  My Little Pony.  Just like on the YouTube video.  Sheesh.

She got so excited!  She created a grocery list.  She watched the video again, pointing out important steps in creating these awesome cupcakes.  We went to the store.  She crossed stuff off her list as I crossed stuff off of mine.  We came home.  She measured and added all the ingredients (including cracking the eggs, something I usually do to avoid messes).  She put the cupcake liners in the pans.  We separated the batter into 6 different bowls.

We added copious amounts of food coloring to each bowl (AUGH!) to create all the colors of the rainbow (except red; we went with bright pink).  Each cupcake got a spoonful of each color.  We tapped the pans, just like in the video, to get the air bubbles up to the top (?!).  We stuck them in the oven and took them out about 20 minutes later.  Immediately, she wanted to break one open to see all the amazing rainbow colors inside.

Then we let them cool (and let Mommy take a break!!!)

Then we frosted them (from a baggie full of whipped frosting, just like in the video) and then the creative part came.  We (or rather "I") flattened out Starbursts with a rolling pin. Then the children ate Starbursts.  Then I cut our different "cutie marks" for each cupcake.  Then the children ate Starbursts.  Then I took pictures, documenting each of the 7 cupcakes that I had painstakingly created before the kids devoured one each.

Then we moved on to the Angry Bird cupcakes (because if sister got her cupcakes, then it's only fair that brother should too).

We (again, "I") cut out about 5 different Angry Birds.  This is a tough task when Starbursts only come in 4 colors and Angry Birds come in multiple colors!  Never.  Again.  When this craziness was complete, the kids immediately wanted to eat another cupcake.  After documenting the creations with a picture, I told them "no."  I can only feel so good about giving them so much food coloring!!

And why did I attempt this feat?  Because of the memories.

And why did I take so many pictures?  So that someday, when my kids look back and wonder why our house wasn't spotless or when they wonder why mom didn't go to work to make more money so that they could get more stuff and go on nicer vacations or when they remember all the times when their mother seemed so mean (by making them eat food they didn't like, or by putting them to bed at a decent hour, or making them brush their teeth - all the horrific stuff moms force on their children), I can have documentation that I was a good mom, that I did fun stuff with them, and I can show them that time spent with them is more important than money and all the things it can buy. 

In the end, it was worth it.  But maybe next time we'll just play a game together and take a picture of it...


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