Thursday, September 17, 2015

pity party of 1

Every once in a while I get in a funk where all my brain can focus on is the things that are just sucky right now. Imagine a pre-teen girl: "It's not fair! Why do all the bad things have to happen to me? I hate cleaning my room (house)! Why can't I go shopping and spend a bunch of money on a great new pair of jeans? Why do they have to be so mean to me? Why won't my hair do what it's supposed to do? It's just. not. fair!!" Feet stomping, threats of running away, door slamming....

Okay, so maybe my "unfair things in life" look a little different than that of a pre-teen, but you get a pretty good image of what goes on in my head when I have a pity party. It's not cute, which is typically why I try to keep it in my own head! 

Sometimes I let these pity parties go on too long. They affect my entire day and the people involved in my day. There are times when I will avoid seeing people because it is just too difficult to leave my pity party. 

But I hate being at the pity party so I've been trying to develop a few habits so that I can leave it and get on with life. 

- Pray for perspective - God's got a better outlook on life than I do, maybe He'll share it with me.
- Look for the good - blessings abound, you just have to seek them (this morning, while still in their pjs, my kids cleaned every window on my truck - little blessings!) Focusing on the good tends to push the negative away. 
(Looks pretty good, eh?!)
- Think about how I can change the bad - bad things often won't change unless you make a plan to change them.
- Do something - although sitting under a blanket watching Netflix sounds great right now, it won't get me out of the funk. I have to get busy with something that will take my focus off of myself, something that will make the day better. 
- Get on with life - the kids and I gathered in the freshly cleaned truck, drove to go purchase my favorite tea, listened to some of our favorite songs on the radio and beebopped (yes, I said beebopped) the rest of the way home. 
(This girl always brightens my day as do the people who work there!)

So I've left the pity party. I've got too much to do to waste my time wallowing! 


PS: What things do you do to help you escape your pity parties? 

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