Thursday, October 22, 2015


This evening I was trying to finish a blog post while lying on my daughter's bedroom floor. She had a stomach ache and a headache and a bit of a dramafest that lead to a small cryfest accompanied by moaning and groaning and all varieties of pitiful sounds. 

Now I don't doubt that all of that was real, but I do struggle with the depth of pity I should actually have for my amazingly over dramatic daughter. (And if you spend some time with her, you probably won't see much of it because she saves most of it for me - yay. #sarcasticfont) 

Long story short: this whole week has been filled with drama pouring from this child. I have done my best to maintain my patience with her, talk her through these catastrophes of life, and just be sensitive to her. However, I do not handle drama very well. I never have. That might have been why I was a tomboy as a teen and why I hate(d) confrontation. 

So tonight, as my patience limits were met and I felt things inside my brain starting to snap, instead of walking away for a few minutes to gain my sanity back (I didn't want her to think that I was deserting her just because she didn't feel well), I stayed on her floor and opened my journaling app and started to write. 

Halfway through the entry, it turned into a conversation with God. 

"Dear God - I hate drama! Why did you give me a daughter who is the complete opposite of what I can handle? I know that you are growing me but I'm not sure I'm able to handle it on top of all of life's other stresses. Can we please just work on one or two of my weaknesses at once instead of SIXTY-FIVE OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME?!?! I'm not currently strong enough to carry it all so here you go: the heaping plate you've given me; it's yours."

I stopped to breathe after that rant and realized that I was breathing easier. The heaviness was lighter. My brain clearer. 

(that's the sound of something "clicking" in my brain in case you were wondering about the random word placed there.)


All we have to do is ask! 
Say the words!
Give it up to Him!
And breathe...

Now, I am aware that my problem is not suddenly solved. I still haven't got this kid figured out and my parenting skills are obviously lacking in this arena. 
However, my confidence is a little stronger because I was reminded that it is not all on my back. God has some responsibility in all this child-rearing stuff too. And He is more than willing to help me. 

And the great thing is that it's true in all areas of our life.

We just need to ask. 


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