Monday, January 4, 2016

the purpose

In a couple days days I go back to a full schedule again: homeschool, piano lessons, and household stuff. I kinda like vacation though and I'm thinking of staying on break permanently.

Most of you probably started work again today. Or maybe never really got a break for the holidays, which is a huge bummer. (My husband works in the medical field. I get it. We've had years of working the holidays.) 

Whatever the case, it can be very difficult to go back to a job that you know is going to exhaust you or frustrate you. And then to try and find purpose amongst the irritation and aggravation of a job you have to do? Nearly impossible.

There are days when I'm teaching my two kids and I throw up my hands and ask myself why I'm putting myself through this? And other days when I've taught eight piano students in a row and I'm mentally drained and wonder how I'll ever get my brain to work at full capacity again. 

Some days I want to run away! This adult stuff is hard.

But I'll tell you what keeps me sane, what keeps getting me out of bed each morning (some days later than others):

Having a purpose in everything I do. 
No matter what I am doing, I am doing it with the idea in mind that God has called me to do it and He wants me to do my best at it.
I am an example of Him no matter what I am doing: teaching my kids, teaching my piano students, interacting with parents, being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, chef, chauffeur, pianist, therapist, housekeeper (we all know I'm not fond of, or good at that one), writing, buying groceries (another non-favorite). No matter where I am, no matter what I am doing, I am there as a representative of Christ: no higher calling, people!!

Now, I'm not as good as Jesus at being Jesus. Actually I'm really bad at it. 
But I'm trying.
And that gives me purpose.

So when I want to lock my kids in the pantry for the afternoon (What?! There are plenty of snacks in there!) or when I'm on my second highly caffeinated drink during my piano lessons, or I'm running an errand when I'd rather be sitting on the couch in my pjs, or I'm cleaning cat puke off the ground (she's a really old kitty...🐱), I have a purpose: to try to do it as Jesus would do it. (Although I have to admit that it makes me giggle to think of him cleaning up cat puke...but he did wash his disciples feet!) 

I don't know what your job is (well, actually, I probably do know most of your jobs; this is a small town and I'm pretty sure my reader base doesn't really reach very far out from people I know!) but I do know there is a great purpose for you to be there: to be Christ in all you do. 

Kinda changes your focus for today, doesn't it?


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