Saturday, September 28, 2013

tell of their good works

Today's blog is brought to you by a few friends who had coffee with me this morning (who probably don't read my blog but that's okay; I blog for those who read it, not for those who don't. Yeah, read that again - it makes sense, I promise).

Over coffee and tea and a breakfast wrap, we were talking of children and marriage and a whole variety of other things. Honestly, it kind of felt like a conversation between folks who had ADHD because of the number of times the conversation changed and came back to our original subject. Humorous. And now back to the point...

In our conversation I mentioned that it was encouraging and valuable for me to hear how well-behaved and good my children are outside of the house, under someone else's authority. Right then and there I knew my next blog post. 

People, if you see, observe, hear, detect good behavior from a child - tell their parents!  We are working so hard at home to raise godly children who desire to be like Jesus that when we hear of even the smallest bit of fruit, we rejoice!! All the hard work is worth it just to hear that my child helped a child who fell down, or offered to help the teacher in class, or cleaned up a mess at their friends house, or said a kind word, or made a thoughtful gesture , or included a lonely child in a game. Anything! 

So the next time you see positive behavior in a child, don't be afraid to track down their parent and compliment the child's behavior.  Sometimes that's all we've got to get through the rest of the day: knowing that all our time and effort is paying off , even if we can't see it at home.

Thank you to those who already have,

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