Friday, September 27, 2013

the perfect man

(I wrote this post about a month or so ago, not knowing exactly when it would appear on my blog. Well, today's the day! Lucky you.)

I'm not sure if I ever told you this, but my husband is perfect. Really. Perfect. Does no wrong. Does everything right.

(At this point, you know I'm full of baloney but go along with it, see where it takes us).

So in reality no one person is perfect, not even one, except my Savior, Jesus Christ. But I'm not going to tell you about my husband's imperfections, few as they might be. As his wife, I will build him up and give him worthy praise because that's what God has called me to do. A friend of mine has discussed this with me a couple of times. Can you imagine how your husband would feel if he found out how you spoke about him to your friends? 

(Now let me clarify my opinion on this matter here: sometimes you need to vent and if you are seeking advice and have a trusted, respected friend to discuss with, it might be appropriate to bring up some of the "not so fine" points of your marriage.  Which brings me to my next point):

Your husband might not be perfect, but I bet if you were to look in a mirror (one that reflects more than just the physical) you'd find a bunch of faults glaring right back at you!  Goodness, all I have to do is walk around this house to see mine!  We have a ping pong table, yes ping pong, in our dining room and yes, it was my idea to put it there. And we never play ping pong because I can't keep the stinkin' table cleared off!  Monday is my laundry day, with the hopes of being done by Tuesday. It's Friday (well when I wrote this it was Friday) and I still have two loads to do and one pile of unmentionables to put away.  Currently I hear a bag of Doritos calling my name from the pantry (super healthy, I know).  I have let the dust build up in my window sills so much that I can probably plant seeds (I figure why clean them before harvest is done around here. That's an effort in futility, or in my words: a waste of time! So please don't go examining my windowsills when you come over next).  When I walk upstairs I see unfinished projects.  There a small mountain of clothing that needs sewing. And the dust!! (I did talk about the dust already, right?!) It's everywhere!!

And you know what my husband does? My neat, organized, and tidy husband? He thanks me for making him a delicious dinner. He thanks me for picking him up lunch. He empties the dishwasher that has had clean dishes in it for the entire day without saying a word. He walks past the mess on the floor and doesn't seem to notice but thanks me for getting his laundry done. (See? He is practically perfect!) 

If I knew that my husband went to work or out with his buddies and complained about all my short-comings the entire time, I'd be devastated.  It's a bit different for a man, but I know my husband likes to know that I respect him.  That I'm not bad-mouthing him when he's not around.  That I am building him up.

Now he might not be perfect, but he's close enough that I feel extremely blessed to have him as my man. 


Ephesians 4:29 
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

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