There are moments when I think, on a very surface level, that becoming a parent was not such a good idea. 😜
But I decided a few years back that parenting should be fun also. Not just "go to the movies and eat popcorn" fun, or " go to Disneyland" fun. More like intentional, everyday choices to have fun, to enjoy our time together.
My kids and I lip sync in the truck when we drive around town.
We hold short dance parties in the Family Room on a regular basis.
We have Family Game Night a couple times a month. (Our current favorite is Spot It!)
We have a small trampoline in the middle of the Family Room because: fun.
We tell funny, goofy jokes and tease each other a LOT.
We have ticklefests often because those giggles are the best.
We came up with a bunch of Slug Bug phrases:
MiniCoop, Whoop Whoop!
Jeep Jeep beep beep!
Cruiser Bruiser!
I'll admit that we take a lot of selfies together, but a majority of them are as goofy as we can be.
We build forts. We make messes. We get artsy and crafty and science-y.
I don't think God intended for parenting to be a drag.
Hard work? Yes, because the hard work of parenting grows us.
But a bummer? No.
Sure, lthere is a lot to take serious in this world and it's easy to get caught up in competition, in planning out our kids' futures when they're 4 years old. We want to make sure they have the best, learn the best, are the best, and that's when the fun goes away.
This "at-home" training lasts for a decent while: minimum of about 18 years. I don't know about you, but I think that is a pretty good portion of my life and I would sure hate to waste it being too serious. So we find the fun because I want to enjoy as much of this parenting thing as possible.
And it turns out that I think my kids are pretty great. I kinda like hanging out with them...usually. (Now that my son has figured out how to make fake tooting noises, hanging out with him in public isn't always my favorite. 😜)
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