Monday, March 14, 2016

God's still got this

Over the past few days I've listen to a few dear friends share heartaches with me. Broken, defeated, hopeless, and frustrated words.
And my response? 
"That sucks." 
"I'm so sorry."

Sheesh. I'm such an encourager.

You know why I didn't encourage? Because I can't solve their problems. I can only commiserate. Feel bad. Sympathize. That's a helpless feeling.

But I realized this morning as I was washing the dishes, thinking of my friends and loved ones, I don't have to have the solutions. You know why? (If you've read the title, then you can probably guess the answer right about now...) 

God's got this.

I don't.
You don't.
The other people involved: they don't got this.

But God does.

He can see the future.
He knows where all this is going.
He knows the plan, even if we haven't got an inkling.

He's like GPS! 
You get in your car knowing you have to get from Point A to Point B but don't know how. You put the addresses in whatever form of GPS you have and you trust it to lead you there. JUST LIKE GOD!! (I'm sure that analogy has been used before, but I'm going to go ahead and be excited that I figured it out without hearing a sermon or reading an article on it.)

We don't always understand the road we are traveling and why it is full of stupid potholes, but God does. It's a whole lot easier to put our trust in the unfailing Him than in the failing people around us. 

So turn your trust up a little and let those worries fade a bit.

God's got this.


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