I'm approaching 40 this year. I don't really like to say that out loud...even if it is in my blog, typed, and not spoken. This is till too out loud for me! But it doesn't really matter whether I say it out loud or not, it's freaking happening.
When I turned 39 in 2017, I determined that I was going to rock it! I wasn't going to let myself get depressed by the upcoming year (40) but was going to make it my best year yet! That hasn't exactly happened, but life doesn't always go according to my plans. In reality, life rarely goes according to my plans! I know, I know: God knows best and has bigger and better things in store, but sometimes it would be nice if his bigger and better things followed a little more closely to what I've got laid out in the next year! *sigh*
All that being said, I'm not done with 39 and I've still got big stuff coming up! And small stuff. And medium stuff. As a matter of fact, when 2018 dropped, I was reminded of my 40 Before 40 List. See original post here! On this list I dreamed up 40 things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 40 years old. I believe I wrote this list back in 2012/13! I'm proud to say that in the last 6 years I've completed less than half of those things (rolling my eyes at myself) and at times, I have felt like the whole idea was impossible. But then I go to this well-worn list that hangs in our laundry room and I think about how each item was put there with a purpose and as I read through each adventure yet to be had, I don't want to give up!
So I made a decision: I'm taking you all along on my Journey to 40. I'm going to work my tail off to accomplish as many of these awesome things as possible over the next 7 months. I already know that some of them will not be completed by August, but I will still take steps towards getting them done! It's gonna be awesome. I know it. I know it because I already completed one of my goals and am SO stinking excited about it! Which seems silly because it's not a spectacular thing and I didn't do it perfectly. But I DID it! And that's all that matters.
This past weekend my cousin, came to visit me and help me crochet a blanket. Now, Number 14 on the list actually says: "Learn to knit or crochet a scarf" but I went ahead and took it a step further and together we created a blanket! I didn't use any crochet hooks because the skeins of soft, smooshy yarn were so thick that a hook wasn't necessary, but we sat on the floor and took turns completing row after row of chains (I said learn how to crochet, not necessarily learn the lingo!) and last night, I finished that bad boy and took it up to bed with me!
It's very far from perfect. I've had a few stitches fall out and had to improvise on how to fix them, but it's all good because it's heavy and warm and soft and I did it! ...with the help of my amazing cousin who patiently sat on the floor with me and pulled out loose stitches and took over when I was too tired to do any more.
And that feeling, the feeling of learning something new and completing a project, that is why I decided to continue with this list of mine. And being accountable: that is why I decided to publish this post tonight. I've discovered that when I know people might be paying attention to what I'm doing, I tend to get more done! (Hence the numerous clean closets/cupboards/rooms in my house over Christmas Break!)
I'll get you up-to-date in a future post on what I have left to do this year and maybe you all can help me out on a few of these!! (Anybody wanna partner up and buy a cabin with me? That's Number 2 on the list!)
What do you want to accomplish in the next 7 months/years/whenever? Let's get stuff done, y'all!!
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