Friday, August 28, 2015

thankful for...

Every once in a while I get caught up in the world of dissatisfaction. 

My carpets are a mess.
My kids drove me straight crazy this afternoon.
My kitchen needs a major upgrade.
I can't keep this house clean (Children. No need to say more.)
Not enough time in the day.
Why doesn't my furniture match?
And why doesn't this body act like it did when I was 25....really not happy about that. 

But there's this phrase that always sticks in my head to combat the "dissatisfactions."
(Yes, I make up words and bend grammar rules. If that bugs you, I apologize, but only a very small apology.)

There is always, always, always something to be thankful for. 

And then I start to list them.

1. The wonderful people that God has put in my life, to relate to and commiserate with, get encouragement from, get texts from (just letting me know they're thinking of me), laugh with, be accountable to... This week alone He made those people very evident to me.
(Just FYI: I checked snapchat. I'm not sharing that! 😝)

2. A full pantry. Seriously just walked into our pantry after grocery shopping today and although it's a mess (because I recruited the kids to put the groceries away), it is a blessed mess of God's faithfulness to sustain us.
(Please don't critique the food choices. I am well aware that we probably should not have Spaghettios and fake mashed potatoes in our pantry.)

3. A husband who works and commutes to support this family. He is a determined man, a driven man who works to provide for us and support us. Not every family is as fortunate to have a man like mine. (I won't post his picture. I know he'd be embarrassed. And I know he reads my blogs so I can't even sneak one on here.)

Just listing these three things completely changes my focus and outlook on life. It's as if I have flipped a switch.

So let me ask you this: what are 3 things you are grateful for today? 
Really. I wanna know. I love audience participation.
Tell me in the comments! 


PS. I forgot one: cheese. I will always be thankful for cheese. There is some in the fridge calling my name right now... 


  1. My children and their constant ability to make me laugh and play, my husband for his steady and strong commitment to us, and my wine breaks... don't judge
