Tuesday, November 17, 2015

just what I needed

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes you don't want to talk about it because you are living it and to talk about it means you are dwelling on it even more than you feel like it. So sometimes you just get quiet. 

I've been quiet. Life's exhausting. Just when it feels like one more stinking thing could break me, another thing comes along and I figure out how to stand up underneath it. Not very well, mind you, but God seems to give me just enough strength to keep working through frustrations. 

(Not to worry you, nothing over the top happening in my life - just all the normal frustrations that can wear you down after a while!)

The past couple of weeks He has sent me strength through my husband who keeps showering me with the words I need to hear. 
He's sent me strength through amazing neighbors who totally get me and understand my struggles.
He has sent me strength through my family who is there no matter what to have my back.
And my friends have overwhelmed me with their thoughts of me, not even knowing that I needed what each of them had to give. (Just so you know, this sentence does not give near enough credit to my friends who have said and done so much for me these past couple of weeks!)

So this evening (or rather very early morning), when I could be lost in a pity party, I am instead feeling so grateful for who God has surrounded me with. There were moments when I was brought to tears when someone said or did something that bolstered me. I'm even writing tonight because a friend told me to get back to it! 

He knew exactly what I needed when I needed it. 

You ever have that? When you look around and all the garbage and realize that through it all, He was still providing exactly what you needed?

That God, He's pretty amazing...


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