Only the squeaking is more than annoying; it's grating, and never, ever, stops. It's like the car alarm going off somewhere forever and you wonder, "Where in the word is the owner of that stupid car?! I'm going insane over here!!"
Yeah, it's more like that.
I've got to give her props for her persistence. That has the potential to be an amazing asset in her life! But right now, it's the very opposite of an asset in the house...
The other day, she was in tears, asking once again for something we've told her no to 465 times. (That's an accurate number, by the way; I've been keeping track). We've given reasons. We have validated our answer. She has agreed with our responses. She seems to be on our page with our decision. And yet, the request re-surfaces every week at least once. Sometimes 26 times...
So this particular time, I turned it into one of my illustrations as she sat sniffling post-crying to our consistent response of "For Pete's sake: NO!"
I reminded her that sometimes in life the answer will be "no." God doesn't always say "yes." Sometimes He says "wait," and sometimes He says, "no." It might not be fair, it might not be what we want, but we have to trust that when God says "no," it's for our best.
Of course I want to make my kids happy, but saying yes to all they ask for would be to the detriment of their future. I would be doing them a great disservice if I let them believe that life will always make them happy and always give them what they want.
As it is with God.
I might not always understand why He says, "no," but I trust Him. I trust that He's got it all figured out a whole lot better than I do. He is God, after all...
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