Monday, October 3, 2016

for a purpose

You were created, by God, for a purpose.

I just needed you to know that.

I'm sure your plate is full. You are probably just as exhausted as I am. Maybe you are running around in circles these days, just functioning. And maybe the future doesn't look so bright. It'd be nice to know that somewhere in there, your life has a purpose.

Well, the good news is: it does!!

Sometimes your purpose is right in front of your face, completely obvious: today I saw my kiddo make responsible choices without me prompting her to (and it was more than just putting her dishes in the dishwasher!) I am raising a responsible member of society!! I taught piano lessons and am giving the gift of music (which is one of life's greatest therapies) to a bunch of great kids! PURPOSE!!!

And other times, it's like washing the dishes over and over and over again: where's the purpose in that?! (Although in my house, my husband washes a lot of dishes and although he might not realize it, he is serving a HUGE purpose in my life!) 

Maybe you go to work and pay bills and take care of the family and do it all over again day after day. Or maybe life feels like just a bunch of failures. I don't know where you're coming from but I remain sure in this: there is a purpose for your life.

Maybe you don't know it, but you already are a blessing to someone you see on a daily basis. Or maybe someone is watching you parent your children and you are an example to them. You might not ever know the purpose you have served in someone else's life, but you have and are and will.

You were created, by God, with a purpose.
So walk around with confidence because that makes you something special.


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