I've learned a lot of truths from many amazing people whom God has allowed to speak into my life. A little tidbit came to mind this evening and I just thought I'd share it.
Sometimes garbage happens to us. This world can just keep hurling its trash at us and bogging us down. It could be sickness. It could be depression. It could be hurtful people. Or maybe loss of income. Or death. Or it could be just having a bad day, week, month. Whatever it is, it stinks.
What is the purpose of it all? All the bad stuff that clogs our life? Sometimes it is obvious: God is teaching us patience. He wants us to rely on Him more. He's using us to speak to other people.
Sometimes it's not so obvious. That's when it's the worst. That's where this little tidbit comes in. One of my brothers told me this: sometimes we don't see the purpose, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't have a purpose. For the rest of my life I might not understand the purpose of some of the great sadness I have endured. I might not understand why I went through extremely difficult periods of anxiety in my life. In this life, I might not know. But God does.
God's got this whole life of mine figured out. He knows where's it's been and where it's going. I don't always have to understand or know, but God does. That, for me, gives me security in this crazy life I live.
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