Saturday, June 15, 2013

music, exercise, and the beenes (i know it doesn't make sense as a title but just read on...)

I didn't get a blog done last night.  I was at a concert!  It was fantastic, as usual - two friends of mine from Tennessee who can sing and minister to me like no one else were performing in a small church in Ceres.  They sang from their hearts, shared tear rendering testimonies, and touched my heart as both a child of God and as a parent.  The changes these two have been through in the past couple of years of their lives is just amazing!

Okay, so right here it's going to seem like I'm going on a tangent, and I sort of am, but just stick with me: it's worth it.

Many of you know that I recently started doing CrossFit.  If you don't know what that is, feel free to type it in to the web and prepared to be amazed by the amount of info/videos you will find.  Short version: it's an intense exercise regime performed with a group.  If you try it just a couple of times, you will most likely be able to figure out why so many people are joining CrossFit.  I have found it addicting and completely amazing, and this is coming from a gal who has not enjoyed exercise her entire life! 

And back to the first paragraph...

The concert I attended was Brandon and Chrysta Beene.  They have been performing Southern Gospel and Inspirational Music for many years.  Big venues and small (I'd estimate less than 75 people at last night's concert). If you click here, you will be taken to a page that has a small bio, a schedule of their events, and a completely out of date picture of Brandon and Chrysta.  You see, Brandon and Chrysta each decided to change their lives when they chose to exercise regularly (CrossFit) and eat cleaner/healthier.  They look nothing like the picture on that page!  On their facebook page you can see the changes already - amazing! But if you really want to be impressed, check out this page!  This is Chrysta's story - this is what motivates me to continue.  This is what motivates me to tell other people about Crossfit because why would I want to hold back on something that could drastically change their lives.  Chrysta is living proof! 

This morning I had the opportunity to meet Chrysta at CrossFit Ripon (yay - official real name!).  For those of you who were there to work out with us, you could just tell she was inspirational, even if you didn't know her story, right?  We did an impossible workout.  But you'll notice that I said we did.  Because what seemed impossible when we looked it up last night was completed this morning by 9:00.  We did it.  And there's nothing like that feeling of accomplishment!

For those of you who could care less about CrossFit (I know, it's so popular and everyone's talking about it and you're just sick of hearing about it!), I understand.  I didn't care until I started.  It looked impossible until I started.  But you know what I decided to do?  Start.  (That suddenly seems like a pretty powerful word, doesn't it?!)

You need to do something life changing?  Is there something you've been wanting to do?  Start. 


(If you noticed on their schedule, Brandon and Chrysta will be performing tomorrow (Sunday) evening in Escalon at First Baptist Church at 6:00 pm. - it will be awesome, I promise!)

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