Friday, December 27, 2013

the joys of bedtime (sarcasm should be noted here)

So the schedule around here this vacation is starting to affect us all.  I've got a five-year-old who falls into bed exhausted from playing all day long!  And I have an eight-year-old who takes forever to fall asleep for some reason or another. No, I mean it: she has a reason for not falling asleep that changes 5 times before she actually does fall asleep! The bedtime battle: it's one we've had for years. As a matter of fact if we don't have some kind of drama, THAT is unusual.

But you know what? I handle the bedtime drama 100x better than I did when it all first started. (Okay, maybe not 100x, but at least 10x better.) 

Bedtime was something we dreaded. Everybody else got to tuck their angels in, read them a bedtime story, kiss them on the forehead, say "Sweet dreams!" and "I love you!" and that was that.

Not us.  We followed the same routine but our ending was much different (and before you go thinking that we just stink at this whole "parenting thing", that's not the case, usually.... In this case, we had another kid that did just fine with all the normal bedtime routine stuff).  Often times the evening would end in tears (mine) as my daughter pushed every button she could: guilt, being scared, or too awake, or too tired, or the bed was uncomfortable, or she just wanted to talk, or have a drink, or go to the bathroom, or come out to visit us, and this would usually escalate into anger and yelling and all kinds of good temper tantrum stuff because we didn't give in. 

Bedtime for us was usually a 1-2 hour ordeal.  I hate to admit it, but by bedtime I am over my kids - go to sleep and give me some time to collect my sanity again!! But that didn't happen very often.  So I was lacking my sanity dealing with this child (gift of God, I remind myself). 

So I tell you all this to get to a more important point.  In this area of my life, I have grown.  God has seen fit to grant me patience (usually) and a more level head.  I have more tactics and techniques that work better with her personality.  There is more logic involved (usually) because she is older and can think things through.  

God used a very difficult period of time to "grow" both my husband and me.  All these crazy stages that we go through in parenting are making us into stronger people with more character. And I, for one, think character is an awesome thing to have. 

So bring it on, little girl - I am better because of you!!


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