Sunday, January 11, 2015

driving in the fog

This morning, as we were headed to church, we found ourselves driving through thick fog. It was like driving through soup. We couldn't see the stoplights until we were right upon them. It was nearly impossible to see the cars in front of or behind us. My husband adjusted his speed to allow for the fact that we couldn't see very far in front of us. We were a little late for church, but that's not all that uncommon for us. 😜 But it's been a while since our family had been in fog like that together.

My daughter sat in the backseat and seemed a bit nervous at first. She was concerned before we even left the house, wondering if we should skip church. Afterall, she couldn't see our neighbor's house across the court. But as we drove on the freeway, I reassured her that her Daddy was driving the car and she could trust him - he had lots of experience driving in fog. She agreed and seemed to mellow out.

And Boom! That's when God sent me my lesson for the day, before I even stepped into church! (Although I will tell you, He taught me a few more while I was in there listening to our incredible pastor.) 

I don't always know where I am going in life. I thought I had it all figured out, but when I chose years ago to give my life to be used by God, He decided to take it in His own direction. And to be quite honest, I'm still not exactly sure where He's going with me and what He is going to use me for next. But it doesn't matter because I trust Him. He's driving, not me.

Do you know the incredible amounts of peace that you can receive when you are no longer trying to drive the car? As my husband drove today, I closed my eyes and relaxed, because I trust him. And it's the same in life. I don't always know what's going on, but God does. I'm going to go ahead and sit back and let Him drive. 

{As I wrote this post, I am reminded of a song released just this past year by a friend. The song is called Drive and can be found in iTunes: The lyrics are just continually going through my head now... Go listen so you can enjoy it too!}

You know what the worst thing about fog is? The fear of the unknown. You can't see the cars around you. You can't see lights or people. And sometimes being in fog can feel lonely.

But you're not alone. And your driver knows what's on the other side of the fog. So let Him drive. He'll get you where He wants you to be.


(Photo from Pinterest) 

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