Thursday, January 8, 2015


Well, for those of you who know my life, you can probably guess why I have been missing from the blogging world these last few days. Back to school, of course. I jumped right back into homeschooling my 2 kiddos and started in on my full schedule of piano students once again. I tend to write late at night when the rest of my home is asleep, but this week I found myself asleep right along side them. Getting back into a routine is exhausting!!

Well maybe a starting a routine is just exhausting for me. I tend to prefer a bit of a "fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants" schedule. However, that doesn't work so well when you have a family relying on you for meals and laundry and, oh I don't know... maybe their education?! So I try my best to buckle down and set the routine so everyone knows what the expectations are around here with the hopes that things will run smoothly. *Hope* is the key word there.

And I suppose it's good for me too:
I procrastinate less.
I build important things into my day, like my workouts, for example (or as I tend to see them: my time to rebuild my sanity)
I am more self-disciplined.
I am even more focused.

But I added something new, or rather changed a bit of my routine. Usually I try to read devotions while I'm eating breakfast at the kitchen table, but I tend to get distracted and things don't stick very well. So my devotional now sits right next to my bed. I don't like to jump out of bed right away anyway because: cozy!! So now I give myself the time I desperately need with God before my feet even touch the ground. 

Huge difference! Before I have even started thinking about my crazy day, I have had time to hear God speak to me about myself and my life. What a blessing.

And then I get up and get ready and my whole day is just wonderful! 

Ha!! I homeschool, people! There is absolutely no way that entire day can be wonderful. And I will freely admit that I do not end up being the perfect mom just because I started my day with devotions. Unfortunately, that imperfection is there all the time. BUT, my mindset from the beginning of my day is more focused on God's purpose for the day rather than my own. 
And that helps.

And to be quite honest, I need all the help I can get!


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