She threw a fit once about getting a half of a piece of gum instead of a whole piece. The fit lasted over 30 minutes.
I once took everything she owned out of her room, except her bed, one blanket and pillow, and a few changes of clothing. She didn't care enough to earn it back.
I had to lock myself in my room away from her for sanity's sake so that I wouldn't snap. She found a paper clip and UNLOCKED MY DOOR.
I have had to stop making dinner to handle one of her "situations" and didn't get back to it for another 30 minutes.
She yells every time I try to brush her hair, and gets upset every time I want to straighten or curl it.
Bedtime...don't even get me started on bedtime. Bedtime is not snuggles and cuddles. Bedtime is drama.
Now before you start critiquing my parenting styles or throwing all kinds of advice at me, let explain the purpose of this post:
God created my daughter with a very strong will. I am very well aware of what I am dealing with when I handle my girl. I may not be perfect at it, but I have read books, researched, and gone to counseling so that I might do my best to raise my daughter.
And I tell you all that to tell you this: I am a blessed woman because I have this little girl in my life.
I have not always felt this way. And sometimes I don't feel it in certain frustrating and exasperating moments.
But I KNOW it deep inside. I am blessed.
This strong willed girl has been used by God to teach me, to grow me, to stretch me, and to make me strong.
I know I have a long way to go, but I am a better woman because God gave her to me.
So don't let anyone make you think it is a shame to raise a child who is strong willed, or who has ADD, or who struggles in school, or is shy, or (put anything here that makes your child different from anyone else's children).
God gave you that child for a good reason: and when you finally get it, you will know that you are blessed.
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