My siblings and I sat and listened to this older generation. There were so many things that we took away in our hearts from their conversation. But the one thing that stood out in this young (yes, I still consider myself young!!!) mom's mind was that every parent there had never given up on their children to follow the Lord.
Now my aunts and uncles are in their 60's and 70's. They have children who are 30, 40, and 50 years old. And they pray for them every day.
I have 2 kiddos, one 8 year old and a 5 year old. They have frustrated me to no end at times! Especially the child whose will is made of iron. But I have never given up on those hearts and I never will. But that means that I've got years of praying ahead of me...
I am so blessed to have a mother who prays for me and for my children. There are times when I wish I could send her a text saying, "pray right now!!" but she doesn't have texting capabilities on her phone. But I am comforted to know that I am not alone in figuring this "mom" thing out. She is calling to God for help on my behalf and that is part of the reason that I am surviving!!
So if you have been wondering where I had disappeared to, I was a bit busy finishing up all the details for the party and then recuperating from it! But it was truly a blessed evening.
Happy Heventieth Birthday, Mom!! (Because I would never reveal her real age).
And all you moms out there - never stop praying for those children that God has placed in your care.
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