Thursday, April 2, 2015

be encouraged

You're exhausted. Emotionally, mentally, physically. 

Your children are running you ragged.
Your marriage is nothing like you hoped it would be.
Going to work each day is frustrating, to say the least.
The money isn't there.
The motivation to do anything active is gone.
Looking in the mirror is a disappointment.
Fighting the depression or the stress or the anxiety is just exhausting.

Don't lose hope!
You're not on this path by yourself.
You're not the only one who has walked where you are walking.
Sure, no two people are living in the exact same situation, 
but I know there are people who can relate to what you are going through.
And many of those people have survived!
But more importantly, God's walking next to you. He never left your side. 
Crying in your room, driving alone in your car, weeping in your closet (been there!) - He's been with you every single time.

And that strength you need? That motivation? He's got it! You just gotta ask.

I know this to be true because He's proved it over and over in my life. He has placed the "just do it" attitude in my soul. Exercising, pinching pennies, raising kids, facing fears...I've done it all when I haven't felt like it. And the more I "just did it," the easier it became to keep doing it. 

Not with a perfect record, of course. My self-discipline isn't that great. (Those Oreos are calling from the pantry right now!) But I'm getting better at it and that gives me hope.

Tap into that well of living water. God's got what you need. Just ask and then do it. 

I'm praying for you. ❤️


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