Wednesday, April 22, 2015

words of honey

So I know I've talked about this before, but a good friend reminded me of it again with some very kind words that made my day, so I'm gonna remind you all of it too.

I realized a long time ago that one of my love languages (if you've never read the book about love languages, don't worry. Neither have I. I'm not saying you shouldn't, because it's probably really good. I'm just saying that you can probably understand what a love language is even if you haven't read the book because I'm going to explain my understanding of it here in a little bit) is words of affirmation. In other words, one way a person can truly show me that they care about me is by building me up with their words. Some people like to have little gifts brought to them (which I wouldn't complain about, honestly). Other people like to have affection shown - a touch on the shoulder or a back rub. 

I like to be told that I'm awesome. 

Okay, not really. 
But I do like it when someone compliments me on a job well done or thanks me for my efforts on something I've completed. My husband has gotten into the habit of telling me how great my dinners are and how much he likes it when I make breakfast on Saturday mornings. That is one smart man because I enjoy cooking for him so much more now! 

And earlier today a good friend told me I was wonderful, all because I was trying to be helpful. That made me feel good, as if all the bad junk from today could slide off my shoulders. 

Don't hold those kind words back. They are needed. Sometimes more than you know. Often we are surrounded by negative things: words, emotions, vibes. And one kind word, or one uplifting comment can change a person's perspective for the rest of the day, or even longer.

I found this on Pinterest:
Maybe "words of affirmation" isn't your love language, but I'm pretty sure you'd appreciate hearing some of those words yourself!

So go ahead, tell someone that they're awesome.


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