Monday, April 6, 2015

love for my crazy fools

Did you know....

There is no one in the world who is exactly like you. 
No one who thinks and feels exactly as you do. 
No one who carries the exact same opinions as you do.

So this is what I find truly amazing:

A friendship between two people who do not think, feel, or have the same opinion as each other. Don't you think that should result in arguing or dispute or just some major incompatibility? 

Honestly, those are the people I truly value in my life: those who think differently than I do, who have different opinions than I do, who see things through a different worldview than I do. These people challenge me and make me strong in my beliefs, even though/when we disagree!

But what makes these friendships work is a mutual respect for each other. A somewhat unconditional love. An understanding that although we do not share the same opinions, believes, or emotions, we can still develop a strong and understanding relationship. 

Because we choose to.
And because that's what Jesus did.
Poor guy didn't get to walk on this earth with a single person who was like Him. 
No other soul was perfect.
But He hung out with some crazy fools.

Some of my friends are crazy fools, but I love them.
But I also know that they love me, even though I am a crazy fool too!


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