Wednesday, April 15, 2015

even the perfect people aren't perfect

I'll be honest with you: I like seeing people's flaws.

I'm not a jerk or anything. I don't take pleasure in the failures of other people because that would make me a horrible person! And although I'm not perfect, I'd like to live in the hope that I'm not a horrible person...

So let me explain:

I'm pretty sure that I am not the only person who creates some pretty high standards for herself. One of which is trying to be perfect. Trying to make my house perfect. Make sure my hair and outfits are just right. Say the right thing at the right time. Act like I've got it together or something ridiculous like that.

But if you've known me for more than 30 seconds (or have spent anytime reading this blog), it would become abundantly clear that I am very, very, immensely far from perfection. And the older I get, the more I realize just how far away I am!

I am covered in flaws, mistakes, and stupid decisions. 
(I hope my mom doesn't stop reading my blog because I used the word "stupid." That right there might have been one of my "stupid decisions!") 

And what makes it even more difficult is meeting those people who seem to have it all together. And I used the word "seem" because I believe that no one truly has it all together. 

Living up to that standard is impossible! So thank you to each one of you who wears a ponytail or hat because you didn't get your hair done this morning. And thank you to those of you whose dirty car rivals mine (seriously, people, we could gather all the cereal from the floor, cubbies, and pockets of my truck and feed both of my kids breakfast.) And thank you to the mom who allows the Legos to be spread around on the family room floor along with 25 other types of toys. And thank you to those of you who actually allow your kids to eat McD's chicken nuggets once in a while (and maybe snack a few yourself...who me? Nah...😁). To the mom who has used bribery, allowed your kids to be on electronics too long, or raised your voice at your kids...thank you. 

I don't thank you in a manner as to applaud shortcomings because having standards is good and striving to reach them is even better! 

However, I do want to thank you for allowing me to take a little pressure off of myself. For realizing that no one is perfect, that we're all just trying to do the best at what God has put us here on earth to do.  

Because this "being perfect" stuff is way too hard to achieve!


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