Thursday, April 16, 2015

i'm annoying

So you know what's annoying about me? 

Lots of things:
I make my husband's lunch for him...but not consistently. 
I clean the bathroom really good...about once a month, if my family is lucky!
I RSVP for things...late or never at all.
I remember birthdays...but rarely send cards and never post greetings on facebook.
I do laundry every week....but sometimes forget to move the wash to the dryer and then...ew.
I delete my emails...after a couple hundred unread ones pile up in my inbox.
I often respond to my head and forget to respond for reals.
I know how to use grammar correctly...but I don't do it very often.

See? Annoying.

But somehow I still have friends.

Maybe the reason I still have friends is that people can see past the annoying things about me and see my heart. Maybe they realize that there is enough good to make the irritating totally worth it. Or maybe they just realize that try as I might, I'll never be perfect and they have chosen to like me despite my imperfections. 

A very close friend made a good point a while back. All of a person's flaws can be dealt with or even overlooked if another person were to look close enough and see the value in the good heart of that person. (Well, maybe not all of their flaws...consistently forgetting to change the laundry can get old and stinky so maybe deal with that one. Speaking of right back!)

I guess my point is this: if we allow ourselves to get sidetracked by flaws in other people's character/personalities, we might just miss out on the amazing person that they truly are. 

So if I don't answer your text right away, just know that I already did in my mind, I just might need a reminder to do it again for real. 😝


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