Tuesday, April 28, 2015

marriage: whee!

I'm just gonna be real honest with you right now (because that seems to be how I work best): marriage is hard work! Goooooolleeeeee, is it hard work.

I'd like to say this is just a reflection on my own marriage and that everyone elses's is butterflies and sunshine, and flowers, and candy, , but it's not. My husband and I have made it one of our top priorities to make this marriage not only function, but to be happy doing it.
Unfortunately, that is not always the case in every marriage. 

My niece is getting married in 11 days. Eleven days, people! Do you remember that feeling?! So much excitement! Amazing feelings, joy, happiness, never ever gonna stop smiling!! 

I remember that feeling. I remember asking my parents if that feeling goes away, because I never, ever wanted it to leave. 

And with their honesty, they gave me an answer I will never forget: it does go away, it changes, but it gets deeper and better the longer you are together. 

My husband and I are approaching 15 years of marriage. Fifteen years, people! And yes, those giddy feeling change. They change into trust and a feeling of security and of loyalty. We have had our fair share of arguments (one or two...😜) and have come out stronger on the other side. We haven't gotten it completely figured out, but we're hoping we've got a few more years on this earth to work on it.

I don't know where you are in your marriage, but I do know that if you have the commitment of a spouse who is willing to work through the difficulties that marriage brings, you are blessed. 

So, to my dearest Alyssa: I can't wait till your wedding! I know it is going to be butterflies and sunshine and flowers and candy (all in the figurative sense) for your wedding day and for a while after, but just wait, it gets better! 

Auntie KC

PS: I'm pretty sure there will be a sequel and maybe a triquil or something because, well, if you've been married longer than a couple years, you know there's a whole lot more to write on the subject.

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