Wednesday, December 7, 2016


(Okay, so when you work really hard on something and it's flowing and has great inspiration and you save it thus far and the app poops out on you and you discover it didn't save at all, that's one of two things. Either 1: you really shouldn't be writing it in the first place, OR 2: the devil doesn't want you to write it and by golly, you are NOT going to let him win! AUGH! I will NOT let him win!! ...or maybe I just shouldn't be writing it: y'all can be the judge.)

So you know night time, when you sit back and reflect on how amazing your day was and how you handled all things with confidence and wisdom and maturity, and how things went smoothly as the family all hugged and loved on each other in perfect harmony while kind and encouraging words were spoken to one another?

Yeah, me neither.

Night time: when my exhausted brain hits the pillow and I think of all the words that I shouldn't have said and of all the yelling and arguing that took place along with the frustrated sighs and all my failures light up like neon signs in my mind while my shortcomings roll through like a train and the things that I didn't accomplish loom over me like a ginormous rain cloud.

That might be a little more accurate for what really happens to me. Although I'll admit, sometimes that scenario drags me out of sleep at 3:00 in the morning, plaguing me for an hour before letting my messy head go back to sleep.

You know what my best combat for all that garbage is? It's a simple little phrase that I've been telling myself for years. And I tell it to my gal friends and they tell it to me when they know I need to hear it. It's a little phrase that offers hope after a frustrating day. It helps me fall asleep knowing that I'll wake up ready to get up and face the day....well mostly: I'm a pretty big fan of the soft blanket I sleep under so getting out from under that is actually my biggest hurdle in the morning. It's super fuzzy and warm and cozy...

But that phrase! (Sorry - I get sidetracked. If you've known me for at least 15 minutes, it's apparent.)

Here's that phrase:

Tomorrow is a new day!


All the malarkey and trash from today is left with today. Tomorrow is full of new potential. Tomorrow is full of hope! Tomorrow is fresh. It is different. An opportunity to do things differently. To set failures aside and try, try again. Tomorrow is a new day.

My today was rough. For a variety of reasons: big and small. Tomorrow, some of those things will probably still be there, but I will face them head-on with determination and hope. And I'm probably still gonna fail, but that's okay because each day is followed by a new tomorrow.

So people: sleep well tonight!
Tomorrow is a fresh day. 


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