Friday, December 16, 2016

utterly worth it

Tonight I'm sleeping on the couch.
Not because I'm mad at my husband.
But because I told the kids we could sleep in the family room by the Christmas tree.
I try to do this every year, and with one of my nieces here tonight, we're forcing our tradition on her too!

I don't sleep well on the couch. I usually end up tired and with an ache in my neck. One of the cats usually ends up half on my leg and I feel like I can't move around because I don't want to disturb her (I know that sounds ridiculous...its just the way I roll in the middle of the night.) 

I know the kids are fine to sleep down here by themselves. They've done it before. I could sleep in my bed in peace and not deal with children or pets. In a pitch black room. In peace and quiet...did I mention peace? 

But you know what? When my kids are in their 20's, they'll remember how I used to have a slumber party with them each Christmas, sleeping by the light of the Christmas tree. Someday they will appreciate the memories we made together, even if I have to whisper-yell at them to be quiet and to get. to. sleep!! 

(Ohmygoodness, the current giggling situation might send me over the edge!)

So if you see me tomorrow and I'm walking with my neck all cock-eyed and huge bags under my eyes, you can feel free to remind me that it is all worth it, and that I will never regret the memories I make with my kids!

Remind me.


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