(This is why I value my friendships with my gals: they often remind me that I'm not alone in my mom/wife/woman struggles. Praise Jesus (and Hallelujah!) that he gave us those incredible relationships!)
Ok, back to what we moms need to hear:
We are too stinkin' hard on ourselves!
For reals, gals, we can't give ourselves a break!
It doesn't matter if we are stay-at-home moms, part-time or work-at-home moms, employed full-time moms, or the crazy mom who homeschools her children because she can't get enough of the annoying things her children do. 😳 We are always going to think that we are not doing enough or that we are doing it all wrong.
I don't know about you (although I could probably guess), but I second guess myself on a pretty regular basis. As a matter of fact, I live in a heightened awareness of "screwing up my children" pretty much all day long. I'm kinda used to it, but not in the way where I'm totally okay with it and myself and with what I'm doing. More like in the way of questioning myself all day long - it's a lifestyle.
Here's the deal, moms. We really need to quit comparing ourselves to the other "perfect" moms out there. (Look! I used quotations marks around "perfect." Wanna know why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!) We are each called according to the purpose that God has is set aside for. Each of us has been called to momhood differently. There is no cookie cutter mom that we should all strive to be like.
I'm thinking we all need to step back and rest comfortably in the knowledge that God has got this. He's directing each one of us according to His purpose: in our jobs, in our relationships, and in our mommying. When we are listening to His call, there's peace, not guilt.
So relax, momma, and remember: you're not doing this all by yourself. ❤️
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