They did it to my tree a few tears ago too. We had just bought the house and before I even had the chance to enjoy the tree, they hacked it to what seemed like nothing. I tried not to cry. They assured me that it would look even better in the spring when the branches grew in and filled with leaves. I tried to believe them. I tried. But I was still sad.
Sure enough, next spring as the leaves and branches filled in, our tree was a perfect shape, so full, so bright and cheery. Because those tree trimmers, they knew what they were doing when they cut back the branches. And they could see what they future held for that tree when it would start to have new growth: beauty.
And such is my life.
It's tough when God starts to do some trimming in my life. He takes people and things out of my hands and out of my life. And out of my CONTROL. I am not a fan of things being out of my hands. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a control freak. I just don't like not having a say in things.
But when He does, I try to remind myself that He knows exactly what He is doing. He is making room for new growth, for bigger and better things to happen in my life. And He can see into the future and know that it's all going to be good.
And my job through the cutting and the trimming: to trust Him.
It hurts. There are times when the trimming hurts so bad that I feel like I can't breathe. But on the backside of every "trimming of the branches" in my life, I can see bits and pieces of the reasons He trimmed them away. Sometimes I don't fully understand, but He does and that's enough for me.
So when I look at my skinny little tree outside, I know that in the spring, it will be back to it's full gorgeous self once again.
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