I get that. I've got a couple of students who don't care too much for Mondays and they let me know it. (I'm talking about my homeschoolers, not my piano students!) Having a couple of whiny and moany "employees" can bring a Monday down pretty quickly.
But you know what keeps me sane? It's something I learned long ago. When faced with a task that seems unpleasant or working with someone who is just a pain in the behind, going at it with the right attitude makes all the difference.
And the attitude is this: do everything you are doing as if unto the Lord. Some days I don't feel like fighting my kids to learn their math facts. But God asked me to and so out of obedience and love for Him, I'm going to teach those stinkin' math facts!
I know there are ornery people in this world and there's a good chance you have to work with one or two of them. But God has called you to be there and to do your best work for Him. Maybe He is using you in ways that you can't even see! And doesn't a task seem so much easier to do if you imagine that you are pleasing God, and not some rude boss?
I wrote another post about how this applies to marriage many months ago. I just went back and reread it and it made me laugh - who knew I was funny?!
Anyway, here is a link to it if you are interested: http://survivingbythegraceofgod.blogspot.com/2013/11/as-to-lord.html
Let me leave you with this bit of encouragement as you face another Monday (and don't you forget it!):
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