Monday, January 16, 2017


Being a mom is hard. 
We juggle so much and try to appear sane while doing it all.
While inside we are a hot mess of fears and anxiety:
What if I'm completely messing up my kids and their future?
What if my kids need counseling because I screwed them up so bad?
Maybe they are involved in too much.
Maybe they aren't involved in enough.
Maybe they aren't involved in the right activities?
What if my kids end up being entitled brats?
Should I take electronic devices completely away from them?
Should I ban all sugar from the house?
Should I spank? Yell? Use time outs? Vaccinate?
Which friends should they be allowed to have?
Are they brushing their teeth enough?
Have I fed them enough green vegetables?

What if I just truly suck at this whole parenting thing?

And then there's the pressure we put on ourselves and the emotions that we deal with:
Try to be the perfect mom.
Bring delicious and gorgeous baked goods to school.
Do all the volunteering.
Host fun events for other moms.
Don't let anyone see how stressed you are.
Smile. Don't show the sadness.
Pretend you have it all together because everyone else certainly seems to!


Where is the joy in being a mom?!

People, we are way too hard on ourselves. We put so much pressure on ourselves that no one else is putting on us, just us! WE tell ourselves to be better. WE tell ourselves we aren't good enough. WE never cut ourselves any slack!!

So here's what I'm gonna do: on my "Surviving By the Grace of God" Facebook page, at the end of every day, I'm going to tell you all something good about the day, about being a mom, about being a woman, about being me! We see more good when we look for it. So let's start looking for it! And my challenge for you is to comment something good about being you because you are amazing!! And please don't think I'm limiting this to moms. Momhood is just where I'm at in my life! Let's find the good, people!



  1. As I sit here to write something I'm good at, I hear myself saying... nope, that's not it... ugh. This is a tricky challenge but clearly it's needed!! So, I'll ask my kids and get back to ya!

  2. Lol! I feel ya! After I wrote the blog I had to write a "good thing" post and was exhausted and the "good things" just weren't coming!
