Monday, January 2, 2017

guidelines for posting on social media

(I didn't know I had so much passion about this until I started writing this post! So beware: rant is coming!)

Oh Facebook, you have the potential for so much good. What a shame to see you being used for so much bad.

People, please think of this when you are posting comments on Facebook: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! 

Is it so important that you put your opinion out there that you end up stepping all over someone else's feelings? Is it necessary to be right and prove your "rightness" at the expense of a relationship? Would you say it to that person's face, out loud, with hundreds of other people listening to you (because essentially that's what you are doing when you comment on someone's post)? And for many of my readers who are followers of the One and Only Jesus Christ: are your words and actions a good witness to anyone else who might read what you have written?! Or what you have re-posted?! Or whatever you are putting out there for so many people (believers, non-believers, potential believers, anti-believers) ti read?!

I beg and plead of you: think twice before you write. Shucks, think 3 or 4 times before you write! 

I cannot tell you how many times I have verbalized to my husband a response to something on social media and then chose NOT to respond on social media. This is a good way for  me to get all my angst and frustration and irritation out without the whole world being able to see it.

You all have a right to post whatever you want, all your opinions and feelings and comments. But keep in mind: your words affect other people. Think about how you want to affect other people because that power lies in your fingertips. 

Perhaps my words are not convincing enough. In which case, maybe these hold a little more power and persuasiveness:

"Do not let any unwholesome talk (or typing) come out of your mouths (or fingertips) but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs (not your needs) that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:29 
*with a few additions in parenthesis from yours truly,


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