Sunday, January 29, 2017

Netflix and momhood

Do you know why I love Netflix so much?!
Besides the obvious reasons: 
-No commercials
-Watch what I want when I want
-Watch in my room on my iPad
-Watch something other than Pokemon or annoying TeenieBopper Disney shows
-Watch for 10 minutes or 40 minutes or 2 hours...
-Watch romantic movies by myself because no one else will watch them with me
-Ditto on the comedies...

But here comes the main reason: 
I love Netflix because I'm a mom and my brain is constantly going in 10-15 different directions simultaneously, all day long. I could be making dinner, answering questions about why I can't order something off of right then, listening to my son name all the different Pokemon characters, while trying to remember if someone got the mail that day and if I remembered to change our dentist appointments...amd still manage to burn the garlic bread! (It's not too tough. Just work on 5 different things at once while the garlic bread is under the broiler, with no timer set because who needs a timer when it's only going to take 3 minutes (apparently I do) and then just wait for the smell of burnt toast to fill the kitchen. Ta-Dah! Burnt garlic bread! Again!)

And I tell you all that to tell you why I love Netflix: while I watch Netflix, I turn ALL of my brain off, except the part that laughs at stupid jokes and the unrealistic life situations of fictional characters. 

Sometimes, when I take a lunch break, I go into another room and eat away from my kids for about 25 minutes while I watch Netflix. When everyone is in bed and I'm trying to get started on my blog, I'll often watch an episode of something or another to clear the day out of my head. Sometimes I watch 4 episodes of something or another which is why some nights, there's no blog post. 😳 And then there are the days when I fold laundry and watch part of an episode simply because I don't like doing laundry and watching Netflix takes my focus off of the fact that I'm doing dumb laundry! 

So yeah, Netflix is a bit of an escape. It allows my brain to turn off the 15 switches that have been on all day and have exhausted me. 

Maybe I should be doing something else like reading a book or memorizing scripture or practicing Yoga. But if I'm being honest, I'm just not that good of a person! I tried being perfect a few times and found that to be impossible! Just freakin' impossible!

So, yes, there are probably a hundred things I could do that would be better than watching Netflix but I'm pretty sure I don't care. Because: I'm surviving by grace! GRACE!! Not perfection, but grace. ❤️

So tell me, what're you watching these days? I need some ideas...


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