Thursday, April 26, 2012

just say no!

Over the past week I've noticed an increase in how many times I go upstairs only to have to come back downstairs to remember why I've was going upstairs in the first place! This brain of mine...  Sometimes when this happens, I start to believe that I have early onset Alzheimer's.  (I read a book once about a lady who had that and it got my hypochodriac radar up because I had some of the same symptoms, also known in my case as "Brain Loss From Having Children").  In all actuality, I just have too much going on in there and my brain is rebelling by choosing not to function at optimal levels.  Not only am I forgetting things but I've been getting my words mixed up too.  I'll say things like, "Can you tet the sable for me, gear dirl?  It's just about dime for tinner."  And I call things by the wrong name, or forget the name of an everyday item all together.  "Put your dirty dishes in the fridge and the milk in the dishwasher, please.  And make sure all your trash ends up in the... um... that thing you throw trash in!"  My family starts to tease me or correct me and that just adds to the frustration!

When I look at the list of things I am involved in over the next few weeks, it's no wonder this brain of mine is rebelling!  From boutiques to home parties to fundraisers and the prep involved for each; add that to the huge-mongous hole being built in the backyard and the normal busyness of everyday life with teaching piano lessons and t-ball practices and games and I am on overload!  When I mentioned this to a friend yesterday, she reminded me of a very important word: "no."

Today's gift of survival:  "Just say no".  Ah, yes, the freedom of the word "no".  The knowledge that it's okay to say "no".  Even if it is for something good and wonderful.  I had to pause to reflect on why I don't often say "no".  Could be because I try very hard to be a people pleaser.  It also could be that I genuinely like to help others.  And the other reason is probably just that I don't want to miss out on anything exciting or a great opportunity.

So the next task is figuring out what to say "no" to.  My brother recently reminded me to pray about everything!  If I don't feel peace about a decision to do something, then chances are that God doesn't want me to do it.  And he also reminded me that just because something is good and a worthy cause to volunteer for, doesn't mean that God has it in mind for ME to do it.  Again, I need to seek His will in each decision.  Another friend once discussed those times when direction doesn't seem clear.  She suggested that perhaps those are situations where God will bless you no matter which way you go. 

So, now to tackle the next couple of weeks... I think I'll start by saying "no" to laundry!


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