Monday, October 28, 2013

a husband that rocks

When my husband and I first got married, we read a book together called, "His Needs, Her Needs."  It was very revealing about the inner workings of men and women.  I highly recommend it simply because after reading it 12 or 13 years ago, there are still truths that ring true today.

Here's one for my guy: respect. You know, letting him know how much you appreciate what he does and how good he is at his job.  Being appreciative for the little things and praising his successes.  I also try to respect the things he likes in life: sports (yeah, I'm not so good at watching the games with him but I do encourage my kids to!), good cooking (I try), CrossFit (wowsers - I love watching him do CrossFit!), fresh roasted coffee (that I will brag about all day long - nothing like it, freshest ever), and listening to him talk science stuff (we are opposites in that my strengths are in English, music, and art while his strengths are in math and science, but to hear him talk about anything science stuff: it's actually interesting and he explains in such a way that I get it...usually).

Now here's the thing: sometimes I forget to build my husband up because I take for granted that he knows how awesome he is.  Or because I've told him once already.  Or I just get caught up in my own busy-ness and craziness that I forget to put my focus on him.  

But he needs to hear it.  He might be a strong guy (physically, emotionally, mentally) but I know that deep down, when I tell him how awesome he is, something inside him is being fulfilled.  It's my job (and joy) to make sure that I am constantly building him up.  


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