Monday, October 21, 2013

greener grass

The grass ain't always greener on the other side.  Oh sure, it might look that way but sometimes you've got to step away from the fence and pay a little more attention to your own grass instead of looking at everyone else's.

I can't talk about you and your grass, but my grass is great.  It's been my lawn for over 13 years.  It knows me and understands me. Sure, there's a few weeds.  What lawn doesn't have a few weeds?  But my lawn is constantly being maintained and taken care of and is always trying to crowd out those weeds!

The grass on the other side might look greener, but behind that tall patch over there, maybe there's a huge bunch of weeds hiding.  Or nut grass (that's the worst).  Or maybe a pile of dog doo.  That grass might feel great for a while, but maybe you are allergic to it and it will end up making your feet and legs itch!  

Maybe your lawn needs more cultivating.  Perhaps the dry spots are not the lawn's fault but maybe it needs you to water it more in certain places.  Maybe you need to tell the grass how green it is or give it more fertilizer (and by fertilizer I don't mean the kind that comes from chickens or cows - but the kind that is healthy, encouraging it to grow at its best). 

Sometimes I look over the fence and glance at a green spot, but it's not for long.  It's not always as it seems. I prefer to spend time looking at my lawn and seeing its wonderful greenness and looking for ways that I can make it better.  I know this lawn.  I know its weaknesses and strengths. I know how to make it grow because I have lived with it for many years.  I've put a lot of work into this relationship with this grass - why would I want to start all over and risk stepping in dog doo? 

(I love our backyard lawn.  It is awesome. But if you are smarter than the average bear, you can probably guess that I'm not talking about my backyard. I'm talking about the wonderful man that I married.  But as I was reading through the post again, I realized it could mean a whole number of things: essentially, anything you might be jealous or envious of.  The neighbor with nicer toys.  Your friend's well-behaved children.  The friend who has a better job.  The co-worker with the gorgeous house in comparison to your tiny apartment.  Whatever it might be, there is a way to find satisfaction and contentment when you realize that everything you have is a gift from God. Everything.)

Enough about lawn care. Next up: maintaining beautiful carpets!  Just kidding.  I can't give any advice on that. If you've been to my house, you know this already.


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