Okay, here's the truth (my husband told me today that he reads my blog so I have to tell the truth): We have a lot of garages (whoever designed this house must have run out of ideas and just said, "Let's just make that another garage!"). One garage is for the car. One is for the truck. One has my husbands tools and other "manly garage" stuff (but he graciously shares a little of that space with the kids and with me too). The last garage is for stuff. Bikes, outside toys, paint, holiday decor, my treasures (I call them treasures; what anybody else calls them I just don't want to know), stuff that came out of the attic of our old house, stuff to sell, stuff to donate: stuff.
So that stuff has been getting messier, bigger, less organized, dirtier, and an overall pain in my neck. It was one of those things that I looked at and thought of every day and could not get myself to tackle, mainly because I thought it'd take me a couple days! Goodness, who has a couple of day to work on projects? Not this gal!
Today, as I'm coming up the driveway from bringing some trash away, my husband goes to the "stuff-filled" garage to open the roll-up door. Hold on! Wait just a stinkin' minute!! You are going to roll up that door and show everybody in the neighborhood (all two of them) our (mostly my) huge mess of a garage? I didn't say that out loud but asked him what he was doing. He was going to straighten up the garage.
That was not going to work for me. I didn't have the time right then. I wasn't ready to go through it all. I wanted to do it on my own without anyone questioning what I kept and what I got rid of. But he was determined. Little by little we moved boxes and bags into the bed of our truck to be donated. Little by little we found more of our garage floor. And it didn't take long at all. The garage is clean(er). The items have all been donated. And a HUGE burden has been lifted from my back.
Above all other things that my husband did for me today, that was the best thing: he removed a seemingly overwhelming burden from my back that had been riding there for months. You see, I have a big list of things I want to get done around here but sometimes it seems as though I can only get the basic needs taken care of: food, laundry, and a somewhat tidy house (Husband - no comment needed). And as I walk around the house noting all that I can't get done, each thing weighs on me. Some days it feels pretty heavy, almost depressingly heavy. Today my load is lighter. Thank you, husband, for making my load lighter.
I know Someone who is faithful to do the same:
"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
What load do you need to tackle? Or is there someone who needs a loaded lifted?
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