You know why? Because I ALWAYS fail!!
So instead of resolutions one time a year, I set goals throughout the entire year. And I don't wait until the start of a new year to make changes and to try to achieve my goals. I start as soon as I realize them.
Want to eat healthier foods? Start today. And if you stick with it for 2 weeks and then fail, guess what?! You aren't done; you just pick up where you left off and try again.
Do you want to stop yelling at the kids? Make that your goal and figure out different habits for dealing with the stinkers. And if you yell at them, give yourself the grace to know that you are trying. Don't give up; try again tomorrow (or 15 minutes later in the day when you feel like yelling at them AGAIN!)
Trying to be more optimistic? Sure, you're still going to have a horrible day once in a while, but that doesn't mean every day has to be labeled with negativity. Start tomorrow with a smile.
Perhaps the biggest one is exercise. This can be a difficult habit to get into. It took me years! But my biggest struggle was getting excuses out of my way and finding motivation. Well I found my motivation once I started being consistent in my exercising habits: more energy, strength, and a body that is no longer going downhill. And my biggest excuse killer: "doing something is better than doing nothing at all." Just used that on myself this morning!
Most of my changes have come from mentally setting goals and then trying my hardest to stick with them.
I hated flossing my teeth. Sounds silly, I know, but I struggled to get in the habit. But once I started doing it consistently for a couple months, I realized that I cannot stand to go without flossing in the morning.
I've been exercising consistently for almost 2 years. I got sick a month or so ago and took a week off which turned into 2 and then 3 weeks. The idea of going back to a life of no exercise was killing me so I've been kicking myself out of bed in the morning and making my way to our gym to get a workout in. Feels so good...when I'm done!
A few years back, we decided to eliminate our credit card debt. We created a budget and are quite consistent with it, but it took time and discipline to make it work, both of which are struggles for me. AND THEN we went almost completely to cash-only spending. Wowsers...
So no more resolutions for me. Just goals for life accompanied by heavy doses of grace, when needed.
Happy last couple of days of 2014!!